Security within a community is the desired goal of every human.
The interaction needed for this ideal depends on productive relationships.
An adequate self-concept is necessary to develop relationships that build trust, because it is not dependent on others affirmation.
(Self-esteem is different as it relies on comparison which is dependent the reactions and acceptance of others.)

The material that has been developed by Dr. Wagner is based on the idea that an adequate self-concept is a gift of God and provides to humans security beyond their highest effort.

Ephesians 1 innumerates the content of that gift. All of the lessons offered on this site attempt to explain and apply these truths so that they can be restorative and develop an adequate self-concept.

Colossians 1:25
I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness— 26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Col. 3:1    Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

Identity Motivated Living™
is an expression that embodies the essence of the Christian life. When you turn away from your old life and invite Jesus to take charge, Jesus Christ comes into you to dwell, creating in you a new life, a new creation, which is a
"New Nature." As this "baby" nature in you "drinks the milk" (1 Peter 2:2) of the Word, it matures and power wells up from it, motivating you to good works out of love for God. Your new identity comes from the Father; you have Jesus living in you always; and the Holy Spirit empowers you to be more and more like Christ.
Jesus uses the term, “...I am,” to reference himself in John 8:58. Thus, the acronym I. M. Living refers to
“Christ in us the hope of Glory.”
Dr. Maurice E. Wagner embraced this as a slogan for the unique concepts he discerned during his 60 years of ministry. He was motivated to write these explanations of how the Biblical relationship works in modern life so that you can greatly benefit and be a blessing in all of your relationships.


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Subject Oriented Studies
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Spontaneous Thanksgiving to God
in Every Situation, Stimulates Spiritual Growth
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

Thanksgiving is a powerful decision that makes every experience manageable. Thanksgiving declares agreement with God.
Thanksgiving exchanges anger with peace.

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God's Goal for Parents, To Be Agents of His Love
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

The thirteen lessons of this book follow the progression of the trials of being good parents to their children. It emphasizes the importance of love between the parents as well as being consistent in loving their children while instructing and correcting them, and in disciplining.
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God's Ideal for Marriage
The Two Will Become One

By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

An ideal is the ultimate goal. We seldom achieve our ideal goal, and if we do, we probably did not really have a perfect ideal.
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Embrace The Challenge of Being Loving Parents
And Produce A Happy Home

By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

There is no greater challenge to one’s emotional and spiritual maturity than rearing children. I don’t intend this book to be an ordinary “another book” on parenting.
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Emmanuel Means God With Us Personally
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

“I will never leave you or forsake you” (Jos. 1:5 and Heb. 13:5) was Joshua’s undergirding courage to lead the Children of Israel to overcome the inhabitants of the Promised Land, for their “cup of iniquity” was full. It was God’s judgment of their sinful, idolatrous practices that they were destroyed.
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God's Forgiveness Motivates Godly Living...
And Resolves inner Conflicts
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

There is a question that requires an answer, but nobody seems to be asking the question. It is just this: When I feel guilty before God or man, how can I believe in myself that I could ever do anything good?
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Lord Teach Me to Pray
"Not My Will, But Yours Be Done."

By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

When Jesus prayed this prayer this prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was speaking as God, the second Person in the Trinity, without sin, destined to do what He came to earth to accomplish, and that was to atone for our sins. It is nearly impossible for us to conceive what agony he felt at this time.

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How to Know that You Are Walking By Faith
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

Walking by faith seems like stepping into the dark. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psa. 119:105) describes how God’s Word, which is the foundation of our faith in God, giving us direction for the distant future as well as for the immediate step we need to take now.

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Overcome Anger
The Impulsive Saboteur of Godliness
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

These 13 lessons describe what anger is, how it is like a chameleon changing color according to how it can master the foe, what it does to others and what it does to ourselves.

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God's Goal for Every Believer, Christlikeness
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

God clearly tells us, Romans 8:29, that we who receive Christ are predestined to become like His beloved Son, and In Hebrews 12:7-11

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3 Natural Emotions Deny Faith in God and Maintain Unrealistic Thinking
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

Like a tripod holds a camera firmly, Satan uses our three natural emotions like a tripod to invade our minds with self-assertive efforts that show no faith in God. If we are feeling guilty over something we have done, we feel most insecure. This insecurity makes us instantly angry which is an illusion of self-sovereignty, free from responsibility.

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Biblical Advice About Managing Anger
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

Secular Psychology insists that anger is a good emotion, for it gets things done. They caution against violence, however. Secular Psychology is basically atheistic. Its concept of anger seems to have invaded the Christian church

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The Omnipotent Power of Choice
"When I would do good, evil is right there with me."

By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

We are always making choices regardless of what we may be doing. Our minds are usually focused on the image that will satisfy our desires and seldom think about the choices we make to obtain what we want. It is because of this focus on the future fulfillment of our desires that we lose the awareness of our present responsibility of choice.

(Click on book to go to its page.)
Studies that enrich your relationship with God and with each other,
which are designed to make the church a place of emotional healing.

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The Sensation Of Being Somebody
Building an adequate Self-Concept Which Develops Productive Relationships

by Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.

If your personal worth is dependent on human opinion, then your emotions are unstable and relationships can fluctuate.
This book shows how the Bible gives you a stable and secure sense of value which will make relationships with others take a secondary roll. Adequate relationships come from an adequate self concept.
"God+me=ME, a whole person", was coined by Dr. Wagner over 40 years ago in order to express the Biblical truth that a new identity is born in us when we invite Jesus to take control of our lives.
When I receive Christ, a new person starts to grow, and a new nature begins to develop. As this new nature is nourished by God’s Word, I become more and more mature, and the awareness that I am somebody to God becomes more and more dominant. It is this security which frees me from the control of the old nature and the illusions of the past. Now, I can feel that I really am somebody,
because I am somebody to God.
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The Sensation Of Being Somebody
Developing Productive Relationships
Self-Teaching Study Guide and Workbook
by Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.

This 12 week daily reading guide has insightful questions that will help you understand and apply the concepts found in The Sensation of Being Somebody.
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Become the Person God Meant You To Be
Training in Spiritual Growth and Helpfulness

by Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.
According to the Bible, God created us in His image so that we could have fellowship with Him and He with us. An image is subordinate to the original object, and all through the Bible, beginning with the story of creation, God indicates that the only way of life for us that is acceptable to Him is that we humble ourselves under His mighty controlling hand.
God is love and God is good. If we want to make a difference in this world that counts for eternity, we need to respect the Bible as God’s inspired Word and try to become the person He meant us to be at the time of our conception and birth.

Volume 1, Utilize Your Spiritual Blessings
234 pages, presents in 13 lessons, many helps, and various basic teachings of the Bible needed for practical everyday living a life that is pleasing to God.
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Become the Person God Meant You To Be
Training in Spiritual Growth and Helpfulness

by Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.
According to the Bible, God created us in His image so that we could have fellowship with Him and He with us. An image is subordinate to the original object, and all through the Bible, beginning with the story of creation, God indicates that the only way of life for us that is acceptable to Him is that we humble ourselves under His mighty controlling hand.
God is love and God is good. If we want to make a difference in this world that counts for eternity, we need to respect the Bible as God’s inspired Word and try to become the person He meant us to be at the time of our conception and birth.

Volume 2, Accept the Significance that God Provides
268 pages, presents the quality of self-image needed for accomplishing the will of God and finding eternal fulfillment.
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Become the Person God Meant You To Be
Training in Spiritual Growth and Helpfulness

by Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.
According to the Bible, God created us in His image so that we could have fellowship with Him and He with us. An image is subordinate to the original object, and all through the Bible, beginning with the story of creation, God indicates that the only way of life for us that is acceptable to Him is that we humble ourselves under His mighty controlling hand.
God is love and God is good. If we want to make a difference in this world that counts for eternity, we need to respect the Bible as God’s inspired Word and try to become the person He meant us to be at the time of our conception and birth.

Volume 3, Understand Yourself Emotionally
303 pages, uses biblical truth to clear up many misunderstandings about feelings, emotions, dispositions, and mental attitudes. It presents the way to overcome anger and a negative mental attitude.
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Become the Person God Meant You To Be
Training in Spiritual Growth and Helpfulness

by Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.
According to the Bible, God created us in His image so that we could have fellowship with Him and He with us. An image is subordinate to the original object, and all through the Bible, beginning with the story of creation, God indicates that the only way of life for us that is acceptable to Him is that we humble ourselves under His mighty controlling hand.
God is love and God is good. If we want to make a difference in this world that counts for eternity, we need to respect the Bible as God’s inspired Word and try to become the person He meant us to be at the time of our conception and birth.

Volume 4, Master Your Mountains
181 pages, presents a biblical interpretation of the purpose of life’s many problems and guides the reader in mastering most of the common adversities as well as a few of the more complex.
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Become the Person God Meant You To Be
Training in Spiritual Growth and Helpfulness

by Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.
Volume 5, How to Be Helpful without Meddling.
Informed and trained laymen are often good counselors of distressed persons, but they need insight and support. This book of 208 pages is the fifth volume in the series to train persons who have finished the first four volumes and want to study further to become qualified by their church as certified Caring Christian Friends. The Bible commands us to help one another, to show compassionate, godly love.
This fifth volume requires at least one year to complete. It is divided into 4 Sections and uses the first 4 volumes as reference material. It contains many special features including 25 examples of distress situations in each Section and explains how one might be helpful in each.
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Anger's Fire Extinguisher-
What Anger Is and How to Get Rid of It
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.

Anger, the most common and destructive emotion, which seems to attach itself to us and explode without warning. Controlling, venting, ignoring, and talking are some of the common answers offered for managing this volatile energy, but are they really the biblical antidotes?

Dr. Wagner discusses how God gives us the option of eradicating anger at its source. The Christian who takes this biblical understanding into the marketplace of life will find there is always a good option to acting upon the compulsive outburst of destruction.
Anger is obvious at times, yet illusive at other times. This book identifies various types of anger and many of the more subtle ways they creep into our lives as bitterness and depression.
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Put It All Together
by Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M., Ph.D.

This book is designed to be a working model of true Christian psychology! The author's application of biblical truths to psychological concepts opens the door for Christians everywhere to come to grips with their emotional insecurity, their self-concept, and their interpersonal relationships.

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His Healing Hands
Warren Frankel, M.D.

You feel as though you are with Dr. Warren Frankel as he tells the stories of his world-hopping adventures. He will take you to real places, where you will meet real people who were sick unto death with no hope of ever seeing a doctor. You can almost taste the food and hear the noises of the ghettos where he has traveled. You can feel the joy as the people sing praise to God for the healing that his team brought them.
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