The Omnipotent Power of Choice
"When I would do good, evil is right there with me."
By Maurice E. Wagner, Th.M.,Ph.D.
We are always making choices regardless of what we may be doing. Our minds are usually focused on the image that will satisfy our desires and seldom think about the choices we make to obtain what we want. It is because of this focus on the future fulfillment of our desires that we lose the awareness of our present responsibility of choice. Romans 7:21 says, “So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.” Our choices are always between good and evil, just as it was for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If we are committed to doing God’s will, our choices will be good choices. If we are putting our wishes and desires in the leadership position in our minds instead of the will of God, we will be choosing evil. This contrast is immutable, and gives us an awesome responsibility, for what we want is often stronger than the voice of conscience: “evil is right there with me.”
You will find this book helpful in focusing your attention on your right of choice where you become responsible for the motivation of your heart instead of just doing what others do and what seems right in your eyes.